Is there any reason why the name of an object has a limitation of 20 characters?
I use the stlbatch from lobo’s site but I encounter this problem.
Is there a way to ask for enhancements?
Is there any reason why the name of an object has a limitation of 20 characters?
I use the stlbatch from lobo’s site but I encounter this problem.
Is there a way to ask for enhancements?
I did not know there was such a limitation. Seems kind of small.
yes it is too small, at some point it will be changed (posibly with the upgrade to full 64bit)
however metadata can be stored in ID properties
I agree with you, ideasman42, is there any place where I can post my request?
Blender developpment site or what ever?
BTW, is there any way to select by the ID properties?
So we could also use the name as a key in the registry and store info there as well, correct?
enough people have requested longer names, it must wait until other ibit internal changes happen, these kind of requests belong on the bf-funboard at projects.blender.org mailing list, -google it to join.
You cant select by ID props - but it wouldent be hard to do it in python,
from Blender import *
scn = Scene.GetCurrent()
for ob in scn.objects:
try: name = ob.properties['metadata']
except: name = None
if name == 'SomeName':
ob.sel = True