I’d give him a completely non-cutesy completely original name. Like Rebian ! Pronounced Ray-bee-ahn, it’s a name I made up for a charachter in an online game. I love making up names. Another was Tolanti. People keep asking me what historical reference they come from but there aren’t any
Be Original. If these guys are from outer space then I’d doubt if they will have latin based names
And well guys I’m not thinking about naming this 1 feller… like calling him john or something I’m looking for a name for the species, so they’re not human or martian but…
I thought about Ursae cause in the ursae major system are some of the first extra solar planets we found, though they’re gass giants so…
enzo… you’re on to something.
Thing is, I can usually come up with good stuff but I need that single moment of clarity and haven’t had it yet.
Eh… I dunno… I’m asking everyone I speak to… and quite simply haven’t heard anything yet that gives me that “eureka I’m gonna run naked through the streets” feeling.
Maybe I’m just going to refer to them as “you know those little blueish guys… ehm what were they called again?”