Name of that open source Sketch/Toon Renderer?


I am trying to find the webpage of this non-photorealistic rendering program. I’ve searched but I can’t find the actual one. I’m pretty sure it is open-source, for sure it was free. It imports .obj files.

The webpage is the one that shows sketch, paint, and toon renders of things like a woman, rabbit in japanese painting style, some cartoon looking lady, and a pretzel thing.

Anybody know what I’m talking about? Thanks. Use Edge rendering, and shadeless materials, and curves to model your objects.

Does blender do paintbrush style renders? If so could you point to any tutorials? Thanks RogerWickes.

Still would like to find that program again though

The renderer you’re looking for, I believe is freestyle.

It would be great to see a freestyle implementation in blender. Authors have / are considering it but need some one to help out with coding. They feel it wouldn’t give decent results in animations though.

It would be great to see a freestyle implementation in blender.

I agree.

Anyway, I was in contact with the author and he said that while he would love to do an integration of Freestyle with blender but that he didn’t have the time to do it alone. He said that he was talking to Ton about it but that was months ago and I haven’t heard anything about it since.

I suggested making it a Summer of Code project. We’ll see.


Thanks Fweeb, that’s exactly what I was looking for. Great to hear Blender integration is being considered :smiley:

cartoon is shadeless, aka just set edge to that brown color

By paintbrush, I assume you mean something like That is an 8 bit render with simple materials and no toon edging.

If you mean make it look like I used oil paints on a transparency, or to really simulate traditional paintbrushing, you would want to use Texture Paint, with custom curved brushes, appropriate falloff, and paint directly on the mesh. If you used a filled curve instead of mesh, you would get a different effect.

They feel it wouldn’t give decent results in animations though
I think know what there talking about.
In a video for WYSIWG NPR a guy talks about animating the style strokes with silhouette tracking on an off,but once Freestyle is in Blender, someone would do animations anyway just to see what it would look like,and be interested in improving the tracking part.
BTW,That video is here

a Summer of Code project sounds like a great idea.I would happily donate to a coder to implement this in Blender.

Blender’s line-drawing isn’t great. they have to be all the same colour, there is only one width, and they sort of fade out at random.

I’ve done some experimenting creating lines out of Blender’s nodes, using differant filters on the Z node. This works much better.

Roger, that second one just looks like a normal render to me. This would be painting style

I’ve been searching around and found two other programs for NPR:


jot (WOW!) download some of the videos!

There was talk of integrating both of these into blender a long time ago, has anyone heard anything new? How do new features get chosen to be coded for Blender, is it by popularity or by having someone capable and willing to do it? Maybe we could start a collection to entice somebody who knows how to integrate this stuff into blender, or would that turn them off? (They don’t want to seem greedy?)

My vote for more power in toon rendering(specially contours)…is just very handy for lots of usual stuff for games, or many sort of output (ie, not only toon, but also design like, etc…)

yet so, have been able to handle ok the actual toon render, results can get very nice. But more power/possibilities is better :wink:

Mr. Sam: Yes, I have a paint program like that on my pen-based PC. Very cool; i could swear I’m smearing Tempura on my screen, or oils, or watercolors soaking into paper. Blended dont got nothin like that.