NameError: name 'dumps' is not defined

i get this error in the 32 line in every time i run the game as a client
my client code

    from GameLogic import * 
    import GameLogic as GameLogic
    import bge
    from socket import *
    import socket
    import pickle
    cont = GameLogic.getCurrentController()
    owner = cont.owner
    #obj = cont.owner
    if not owner['OneTime']:
      ServerIP = GameLogic.IP
      Serverport = 677
      Clientname = ''
      ClientPort = 678
      GameLogic.sClient = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
      GameLogic.sClient.bind((Clientname,ClientPort)) = (ServerIP,Serverport)    
      owner['OneTime'] = 1
    PosYou = owner.worldPosition
    scene = getCurrentScene()
    Server = scene.objects["Server"]
    PosServer = [0,0,0]
    Data = pickle.dumps((PosYou))
        Data, SRIP = GameLogic.sClient.recvfrom(1024)
        UPData = loads(Data)
        PosServer = [UPData[0],UPData[1],UPData[2]]

pickle.dump(obj, file[, protocol])

It is not plural ;).

so that’s mean i should write the line like that ?
Data = pickle.dump(PosYou)

No - Monster was right, there is a pickle.dump function, which writes to a file, but as he wrote, you must provide an open file.
There is also a dumps method, which instead of writing to a file, returns a bytes string. It seems to me that the error you’ve received suggests you didn’t write “pickle.dumps”, but wrote instead “dumps”. Check you’re looking at the right textblock, and that you’ve copied correctly here.

that’s are my file you can check that by your self :3


WSAG-BasicNetwork.blend (354 KB)

In the client module, you’ve not imported dumps (or loads).
Either add “from pickle import dumps, loads”, replace “dumps” with “pickle.dumps” and “loads” with “pickle.loads”, or add “from pickle import *”

i get this error after the edit :3

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 33, in <module>
_pickle.PicklingError: Can’t pickle <class ‘Vector’>: attribute lookup Vector on builtins failed

Convert the mathutils.Vector to a list (and back after unpickle).

so that what you mean changing PosYou = owner.worldPosition to PosYou = list(owner.worldPosition) and set PosServer = [UPData[0],UPData[1],UPData[2]] and adding this line owner.worldPosition = PosServer ?

Nearly. You can quickly convert a vector into a tuple (which is also serialisable, like lists are) using

some_tuple = some_vector[:]

You can convert this back into vector form if you want to do some vector maths on it using

from mathutils import Vector

my_vector = Vector(my_tuple)

Or, if you’re just assigning it to the game object’s position, you can set it directly.

my_obj.worldPosition = my_tuple

that’s are my last edit and i did’t get any error in the consle but the game did’t run as multiplayer :3 i don’t know what i should do :3


WSAG-BasicNetwork.blend (355 KB)

There’s a try except block in both the server and client scripts. Change



except OSError:

This way, any non socket OSErrors will be printed (technically should check the error code as well).

You’ll see that the server has an error at the top -

if owner['OneTime']

should be

if not owner['OneTime']

The IP is not valid either. Use localhost for local-multiplayer, or ‘’ to bind externally.

i added the lines as you write
and that’s OSError not OsError
but that’s still did’t work are thay working with you ?

So you fixed the IP and the server code to use a not?

Have you pressed F1 and F2 to start the client and server?

yes i fixed the ip to “localhost” and used if not and pressed f1 and f2

no one know the soultion ?

You also need to make sure the server and client are pickling lists (or tuples) not Vectors, and that the correct IP address is used in setup and
use “localhost” for local testing

that’s what you mean about pickling lists ?
PosYou = list(owner.worldPosition)

Data = pickle.dumps((PosYou))

yes, or use as_tuple = vec[:]

i did that but still did’t worked and i used “localhost” as ip :3 so what’s the proplem there are’t any errors in terminal