Hi i cant really input much but nice model better than i can do
Im really no good at blender and i want to start being alright if you get my drift i have a couple of questions for you so thanks for taking the time to answer them
did you box model the space shuttle? please caqn i se a wire frame of it
how the hell did you UV Map it
Thanks for answering them :’(
Not sure what you mean by box model, but the wire frame of the shuttle is attached.
To UV Map it, I went into UV face select mode, switched to face select (verticies dissapear and black dots appear on each face so clicking on the face selects it). I then split the window and changed it to UV / Image Editor. I then Clicked on Image (at the bottom of the UV Image Editor) Opened the texture I wanted and assigned it to then face. If that wasn’t detailed enough, please ask what is confusing you and I will try to help.
nice work, you should add seams to the shuttle though, like uh… whats the word… the online dictionary tells me “weldseam”. where the metal plates are joined… you know?
TyphoonSG1, I think I started with a Cylinder. It has been greatly modified since, but now forms the curve on the top of the shuttle. I think I started with a cylinder, made it longer, deleted all the verticies below the middle of the cylinder, used the scale widget tool to flatten it (the thing with the Triangles that allows you to move the selected object changes to square ends). I then linked it up to a plane that I had shaped to look at the wing. And it goes on from there.
Wait a sec… Are you talking about welds? Have a look back a few posts and look at my image of the launch pad, the welds are faintly visible on the top of the shuttle.
Also, after a lot of procrastination, I have begun making the launch pad facilities. Its going to be extremely different from the real one, but to model a structure of that complexity is beyond my expertise.
Some of you may have read my signature. My Shuttle is looking like a success, but while Im working on the launch pad, here’s an off topic failure . Its meant to be the X-15 Rocketplane, but I have no Idea what to do next, and do not inted to do any more work on it.
I will post as soon as the launch facilities start to look like what theyre supposed to be or when someone posts a question or advice.
AND I STILL DON’T KNOW HOW TO SWAP CAMERAS?!?!?!?!? Could someone please tell me or post a link to a tutorial. Thanks!
Don’t know. Maybe you should tell which version of blender you use ? Which image format you wish to save to? The size of the image in pixel? etc?
About swapping camera try selecting the camera you wish to use and press ctrl+0.
About the models, the X15 is the one that look the best so far.
The orbiter is far from accurate. On the wire you posted, do you hide the three main reactor of the shuttle?
EDIT II: (Instead of Double posting) I have been trying to use the built in camera change script in blender (see camera change tutorial in tutorial section) and I can’t get it to work, unless I start a whole new project (I can make it work using a cube). I have tried replacing the cameras. What am I doing wrong?
Add->camera. then render what you want that camera to shoot. then select the other camera and see the View->Cameras menu option to switch cameras. then render out what you want it to show. then use VSE to splice the two strips together. see the new Video Sequence Editor section in the wiki how to do this.
Ok, I do have something to mention about your shuttle. Right where the cockpit shifts over to the main fusalage, there are some wierd-looking transitions and hard edges. These might need to be smoothed out somehow. The engine fires have some wierd texturing to them, and they would need some tweaking IMO. Good work though, I like the look of the thing overall.
Heres a quick update. This image shows my shuttle in launch position on the launchpad. NO MODELING IS COMPLETE, the Shuttle still needs minor tweaks and the launch pad is far from complete.
Im basing my animation on this launch. In the end it should be 45 seconds long. Link.
Progress animation wise, the IPO curve for the launch is almost complete, the timing is sorted and I have copied the audio off a similar movie to the one above, except longer (my animation will start 15 seconds before launch).
Really nice for such an early on project! If it was possible, some detailing of the parts that aren’t the shuttle would be nice (like the tank that holds the fuel). A few loopcuts (ctrl-R) should do it!
Tweak up modelling (Tank Etc.)
Finish Launch Pad + Detail
Add Lamps to Launch pad, as seen in launch movie
Add Smoke (Steam?)
Increase SRB Flame length and add illumination effects
Add Environment (Sky, Grass etc.)
Improve main lighting
Animate cameras after liftoff (seconds 21 - 45)
And a few things I expect I forgot
If anyone wants to help me out a bit with a bit of advice, your welcome.
I am becoming an expert when it comes to double posting.
After a schoolfriend of mine (Popsy on BlenderArtists) told me to add more detail and aws357 posted a pic of the shuttles engines, I noticed I had made a major mistake. Below are a before and afer pic (the before pic from my backup file created just before starting the launch pad) of the rear of the shuttle. If it’s not obvious which is which, the new pic has the IPO window open and the old one has the UV Mapping window open.
Coming along really well! Some more detail on the lanchpad would really boost the quality of this! Try and have some wire-frame stuff going on across it maybe.