Navmesh Problem

Alright so ive been trying to build a navmesh for a while yet everytime its built it catches the error:

Converting navmesh:Error! There are no vertices!
Converting navmesh:Error! Can’t get raw vertices and indices from mesh!

if anyone knows whats going on it would be very helpful.

Hi Phil,

Did you select your plane and click “Build Navmesh?”?

This happened to me. Use a plane, subdivide, then out of edit mode click create nav mesh thing.

You’ll need to join everything together as one mesh (floor and obstacles), then build the navmesh (under scene settings), make sure you have the mesh selected as mentioned above.

Do you have a ground plane selected when you hit build? what version of blender?

upload a .blend?

[SUP] Ive been using the build navmesh settings which causes the error and when I build one using the physics tab it crashes. I also tried the other ideas yet it still results in error.[/SUP]


LevelTest_1.blend (444 KB)

Delete the current Navmesh, select the plane, (make sure you are in game engine), choose build navmesh. Used 2.74 and works fine even with just 1 plane.

Nope still not working for me and still saying the same error.

Update: So i updated blender from 2.76 to 2.76b and it seems it solved the problem. Also it seems navmeshes cant generate over largly scale planes about 500 and up.