Neat Mesh/wireframe

Im wondering how this is achieved because when I a model something I can model it just fine and depending on what it is I can leave a nice clean mesh but generally my meshes/wireframes will be INCREDIBLY messy, particularly on objects with curves or smooth rounded edges. but im confused because whenever I see forums and see the “completed project” and its usually with anatomy, the mesh is perfect, spaced, clear to see and just REALLY well put together and I wonder how thats possible. So Im asking, how can I improve my meshes?

If you use a subsuf modifier select ‘Optimal Display’ in the modifier settings. Also select the ‘Apply modifier to editing cage’ button (a small triangle symbol)

thanks and I shouldve said but I meant even after the subsurf has been applied. like e.g. this

Its incredibly neat even around the ears and its all 1 mesh, Im nt bad at modelling but if asked to replicate that I would have NO idea where to start, It wouldnt be one mesh thats for sure lol. I havent done any anatomy yet rlly just product design so I havent come across such styles of meshes yet. but yh, Im asking, how can I improve the way I layout meshes and such because Im sure that if I ever ended up in a studio, neat meshes would be appreciated by other artists e.g. riggers etc. And thanks for the reply, of all forums this is my favorite one, Quick answers and also generally the right answers. THANKS!^-^

thanks and I shouldve said but I meant even after the subsurf has been applied

Why did you apply the subsurf modifier ?
Watch some tutorials like this series

It would be easier to help you if you showed an example of your own. Certain modeling techniques cause a bit messy topology, which means that you have to clean up the mesh afterwards.