
Heya guys!
I’m thinking of making a necklace that I can fool arround and study things on…:slight_smile: I’ve got a little problem right by the start though! I don’t really want to fool arround in copy, pasting the beads, one by one. So I tried making an array modifier and tried to fit it to a bezier curve. What happened was that I got beads all over the place as if someone just placed them all over randomly. :eek: By the way I was using an Icosphere.
Any ideas?

Thanks ahead,

Hmm… Try to add curve modifier to the icosphere.

Heres an Idea…

Ive used dupliverts in conjunction with a curve modifier
Heres the steps
Add plane
edit mode - delete 2 verts
your left with a line with 2 verts
stretch it out and subdivide as many ‘beads/jems’ as you want
create a ‘gem’ - you said and icosphere…fine
parent the gem to the line and alt and o to clear origin)
set duplivets and your chain is beaded
add curve
select your line and add curve modifer and put the name of the curve in (usually Curve if first one)
manipulate the curve (subdivide/move handles/scale/move cure around) to get shape.

If your icospheres arent symetrical, make sure rotate is on in the dupiverts panel and play with the track and up settings

If you want to ‘finalise’ it (you dont have to for rendering) you can ctrl+sht+a to make the duplicates ‘real’
Heres a screenshot and quick render - I didnt do anything with the icospheres

Anyway, hope this makes sense and is helpful


Good idea! Thanks! Although…I’ve solved the problem by copy pasting one side of the beads and then mirroring it…But thanks! Sounds easier the way you did it…
Here’s what I did: