Need Avatar help


I’m trying to get my avatar to work. I have a gif less than 8k and 65x65 pixels. It’s posted to my web page. Yet I can not get it to to show up on my forum post when I submit it on my profile.

I would appreciate any suggestions.



My URL is

URL to the GIF?


Is this what you are looking for?


we are not looking for anything. you are trying to show us something.
the real question is: is the default page of what you wanted to show us? i dont think so. how about giving the right url? might make things a little easier.

edit: i made the assumption that the default page is shown in case of a 404 error.

Next time just be constructive, or shut up
This is a support forum, not a moan and groan forum, so lets just deliver support instead of puns

yeps that was it,… apparently the url uploading failed, I uploaded it from my harddisk now and it works.

Thanks Timothy.
