I added wind to get this banner to wave. It puffs up then doesn’t do much afterwards. I’ve tried just about every combination of cloth preset, wind strength and direction, and noise settings. I’ve oscillated the wind object and moved it around to different positions. I even added a second wind empty to blow from the other side. But all it does is stay relatively unmoved.
Does anyone have suggestions to get it to billow slower and more realistically? I originally didn’t have the bottom edge pinned down, but it would give a large initial billow then settle down like in the video below.
Thanks for the responses. They are on the same layer and I subdivided the mesh some more but that didn’t help. It’s not that big a deal, I just wondered if there was a quick fix. Here’s a shot of what it looked like originally…
One comment on the mesh – cloth seems to work better of it’s subdivided so that it forms nearly perfectly square quads.
What’s your cloth pinning weight situation look like? Depending on the scale of your mesh (as in, it’s rather small on the 1 BU = 1 meter scale that physics uses), if the entire central portion is at zero weight (100% cloth), then the wind may be pushing it to its deformation extremes almost instantly, with no chance for rebound or other response. Think of a handkerchief in a hurricane
Maybe try weighting the verts so they start at the center at zero but gradually gain weight toward the pinned part. This may fake the billowing effect by inhibiting the cloth response differentially.
If the mesh is small, try enlarging the whole system but keep the wind force the same.
Thanks for all the input. I got tired of hassling with it and rendered the animation as it was. You can see it here…
There’s a little bit of movement. I like the way the upper part of the banner turned out because it looks like it’s pulled back over the top edge of the wall.