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What else could I possibly add or do to the scene to improve it. This is my first actual mini project I just decided to do as im still learning how to use blender. I feel I could do more to the scene but I just dont know how or what else to do to improve it.


work on shaders
add some textures - some surfeaces seem to flat and boring (floor, quilt)
the lampshade is glossy (!) It seems odd
try to make it more diffuse/translucent like

maybe add some newspaper or book on the table to add some life to the scene

also the cushion in the back seems to be floating - try to make it more “to the ground”
perhaps with sculpting

Cheers for the reply I will work on those things right now <3


The pillows, blanket, in fact all fabrics would need some texture. I mean variation by that. I would try to get away with a noise texture, scaled really small and assigned as bump first. (Before reaching for a color texture)

Your pillows look really nice. I would appreciate if you posted a wireframe of the pillows.