That gun looks very terrible, and there are some basic conceptual errors that would prevent me from wanting it, even if only in fiction :P.
First I respectfully disagree with a single point from AdamTM’s reply: The grip of the first version is totally fine with the ‘railing’ behind it (for 2 handed), although it really needs a stock of kinds and the sight should be way forwards. There are lots of ‘thumbhole’ stocks in real life that have much less room behind the ‘grip’ part, and they’re perfectly fine. Now, that design probably isn’t comfortable at all, but that’s another issue. In terms of ‘grip’ you would be able to hold it very securely imo.
The conceptual error is that the electromagnetic pulse technology sounds like total bs in my somewhat educated ears :P.
Unless the gun provides some kinda propulsion system to counter balance the recoil, even if only displacement of internal weighs, it’s totally gonna have a recoil no matter what. Unless of course the projectiles have self-propulsion, but in this case the gun would be much more simpler than that. You wouldn’t want not even a closed barrel, perhaps just some ‘sticks’ like tracks to drive the projectile because a closed barrel in that case would only provide friction and recoil, even if the projectiles are self-accelerating.
Since it’s a sci-fi device, you could just say that the projectiles have little mass and are highly explosive or something… or that they are so hot that melt whatever surface it hits almost instantly, something like that, because that electromagnetic pulse to accelerate passive mechanical bullets in a recoilless fashion totally didn’t convince me :P.
That talk that “newton’s laws don’t apply in the future” totally get me going the opposite direction :P. Physics is not going to change in the future, and with that in mind, if you really think about it, a recoilless gun probably will have a wildly different design.
That reflex sight also looks very cheapo even for today’s standards. Far in the future you will have much larger ones to make it easy to aim while moving, holographic sights and laser sights that are only visible with the correct head gear are totally gonna be a thing.
For the “standard” weapons, we are going to see less manual interaction (levers and stuff) and more reliability with simpler mechanical parts. Explosive rounds and even ‘intelligent’ rounds are totally gonna be a thing in the future I guess. Although I really think that eventually personal weapon technology is going to be unimportant. People are inventing much more effective ways of killing each other at an impressive rate. In the future having a gun will be like having a knife. It would make you king in the stone ages, but these days it will only get you killed.