Need for recommendations for a first tablet purchase for a beginner as for 3d animation designer

I wrote another post about this topic yesterday. I wanna thank the people that replied to me. Their feedback was useful.
I want to mention that I draw the traditional style and I feel like a tablet will be easier to get used to, than a mouse on a pc. That’s why I’m asking for a recommendation about ideal tablets to start the process of learning how to handle 3d animation.
I want to buy a tablet that I won’t change in a few months just because it doesn’t fulfill the needs of an expert’s needs.

Animation and Rigging animation

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Usually someone continues the thread someone has started. Also giving all the info to answer the question in the first place would be nice. Especially if talking about animation ( with 0 experience) and now about being an experience traditional drawer… hard to guess for example your workflow now/next.

This makes it easier for you to follow and also easier for others to give an “advice” … :wink:

Also: There are dozen of recommendations showing examples of different artist using different drawing styles.

You may have to elaborate this to get a more suited answer (…in this thread :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: ).

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I came from traditional background as well, and my recommendation is get a Wacom Intuos, either the Comic one, the normal one, or the Pro one. It goes from the cheapest to the most expensive model respectively.

Even though the comic one is the cheapest, don’t get fooled by its low price, because I’ve had my Wacom Intuos Comic since 2016, use it everyday, and it’s great working horse. It never breaks, glitches, or anything. It just works, day after day.

Though, I wonder if a graphic tablet or just a normal tablet is what you’d need if 3D animation is the only thing you’d be doing. In my experience, for animation, I use my mouse every time. Meanwhile, my graphic tablet is used for sculpting and texture painting in Blender, and drawing and painting in Photoshop.

However despite that, having a graphic tablet at hand is extremely beneficial, if digital is the way you choose to take. So give Wacom Intuos a go, and it’ll definitely outlive your PC and any other accessories.


I highly recommend XP Pen. Same as Wacom for a third the price

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