NEED HELP! Apple & Skulpt Mode

Hi Folks, :cool:

i have a Prblem: :confused: I have a E-Mac, 1 Ghz, 1 GB Memory, OS 4.11, always newest Blender running. On my PC I have no Problem with the Skulpt Mode, so that there is no User-Mistake! On my Mac I only can use ā€œGrabā€ in Skulpt Mode. Draw, Pinch, Smooth etc. are not working. Is this normal on Mac or must I load a other Software too (like Python on PC) I think Python is installed with the Blender Software-Pack on Mac??!! :eek:

Any Ideas where my Problem is?
Im happy :eyebrowlift: when you know the answer!!

And here is a other Prob!: On PC I can change the Blender Theme by loading a Theme from the Net and put it there where the .B.blend File is. (On Mac itĀ“s hidden but I know where it is) But when I put the Themefile there Python doesent find it. (Here the same Question as above: Must i install Python extra? And when ā€¦how?? What must I doā€¦Please Step by Step in easy Wordsā€¦My English is not the best like you will see :wink: ā€¦

Thanx, Kaiā€¦greetings from Frankfurt at Main River :smiley:

yog yog had the same problem, but somehow it worked itself out, check this thread:
(edit) and look here, might be a solution:

Thanxā€¦but this doesent work.
I started Skulpt Mode. Draw, Add, Size 100, Strength 100, drawingā€¦nothing happens. Make Size smalerā€¦nothingā€¦
but thank you a lot.


check the recent edit I made ( while you were replying probably ) or alternatively, check your inbox, I just sent you a message in case you missed my edit.

If really nothing works, try submitting a bug report and see if it get picked up. If you make an account at, you can submit a bug report for the Mac devs to check out.