{Need help} - Compiling Blender on OSX 10.5

Since there are nearly no actual Mac blender builds on Graphicall and Buildbot, i have decided to dive in compiling blender for Mac Leopard.
So i followed the instructions from Blenderwiki:
I installed xcode for Leopard and the necassary libs and blender sourcefiles…
It starts well, but then i get this error code:

Configuring library ge_oglrasterizer
Configuring library ge_scenegraph
Configuring library ge_videotex
Configuring library ge_phys_bullet
Configuring program blender
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
Compiling ==> 'AUD_AnimateableProperty.cpp'
sh: g++-4.2: command not found
scons: *** [/Users/Tunc/blender-build/build/darwin/intern/audaspace/intern/AUD_AnimateableProperty.o] Error 127
Compiling ==> 'AUD_Buffer.cpp'
sh: g++-4.2: command not found
scons: *** [/Users/Tunc/blender-build/build/darwin/intern/audaspace/intern/AUD_Buffer.o] Error 127
scons: building terminated because of errors.
hakans-imac:soc-2011-salad Tunc$ 


What im doing wrong? Any help is appreciated.

PS.: The user-config.py is changed to x86 and ffmpeg is false

Ask the devs on IRC.
Freenode, #blendercoders.
I had a problem compiling on Linux yesterday and got a problem with audaspace stuff too.

Thank you Loopduplicate! I will try this.
Sad that no mac guys arent answering…

I would delete my user config, do a svn update, redo the copy-rename config part.
also make sure you’re using correct lib,

svn checkout https://svn.blender.org/svnroot/bf-blender/trunk/lib/darwin-9.x.universal

had problems while ago when I was messing to much with my python installs, and had to remove user-config and the factory one and update forcing svn to get new files.

I’m having problem compiling today also, did work yesterday. probably something wrong with GHOST osx wrapper.