hello i’m very new in using blender. I have a problem adding material to the same object, if I add more than one material it will happen like this and the face is gone.
There should be something wrong in your scene or in what you’re doing, but it’s hard to tell from here …
Can you post the .blend so I or someone else can give a look ?
Try to assign two materials with the default scene to see if the issue is in the scene …
is it the .blend that I shared ?
it may be a drawing bug, that’s really weird … What blender version you’re working on ? (2.8, 2.81 …) , and test with a very simple scene : a cube with 2 materials ?
yes, I didn’t touch it at all. just open the file and that’s what it shows. I use blender 2.81 and I have tried coloring the cube displayed when opening the blender but the results are the same. therefore I think if there is something wrong with my blender but I don’t know what’s wrong is it
oh my goodness, this works. I immediately downloaded and tried it, even though I felt anxious when I opened it.
Thank you so much sozap, for helping me and trying to hear my problem. I am very grateful to you