Need help making a MMORPG

Hello everyone.
My name is Vince and I’m planning a free MMORPG called Destant and I can’t do everything myself so I’m asking for help.
It takes place in modren day so any models I need is like cars for transprotation some landscaping or making cities, Just put it like this it’s like Grand Theft Auto RPG style.
And some help with the game engine since I never used it before I do basic animation and all kinds of modeling.
Which that’s what I’m doing now.
If you need anymore information just let me know.

Ooooh… Cat’s out of the bag…

1- You can’t make MMPORGS with the blender game engine.
2- You can’t ask people to do your work for free, witness this thread

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This forum’s starting to become like the forums for the program GameMaker, more and more questions on making MMORPG’s and telling people to do the work for them.:no:

Haha… gives ravenvince2 a large bucket of water

You’re going to need it soon…

Don’t worry about the cat being out I’t copyrighted and trademarked and I never said I was doing the hole game in Blender game engine it’s actually being built in Maya I wrote a convertion software for Maya to convert Blender and 3DS files over to eachother.
Which I have not released yet.
I’m only modeling in Blender and writting a plug in for blender game engine. which I can’t talk about right now it’s for 3D water thats just half what it can do.
Besides I asked for help because it’s a lot of modeling.
I do pay people there’s only 3 of us but I’m not sure if the game will be free.

If that’s the case then I would rewrite your first post, and include at least SOME content (maybe a screenshot of a model or something)

If not, then prepare for a wall of flames… If you do a search for MMORPG on the forums you’ll find that people don’t take people too seriously on this subject and they usually get flamed to a crisp.

I can only think of 2 cases where the subject of “MMORPG” came up and the people who started those threads were taken seriously and applauded, mostly because they presented decent content.

Good luck mate :wink:

Hehehe, like we haven’t seen a post like this before hey guys?

Vince, go learn gameblender, figure out what you are doing, build the foundation of the game, get a bunch of screenshots and videos, THEN you can try to come back here and ask to recruit some members.

I will gladly do some modeling, and blender work for some cash.

What are you’re rates? If you expect to be serious about this project, you really need to put more information in your thread.

Also, if you are going to be using maya, why did you even post this in the game engine forum?

Social? Social? Key social…

You kinda outta luck man. You can go ahead and pay somebody, or get some skillz, and learn it yourself. Otherwise, please dont spam these forums.

No pain no gain. Or ask us to make you an MMORPG, and still get pain, no gain, and forget what its like to be sane, and prepare for the flame-war train…

Nice. I should be a rapper…

I think Social tries to do what he states in his sig. He pushes and prods hopefuls until they start to cry,:wink:

You suck RavenVince2.

Okay, it looks like you got banned and you re-registered by putting a 2 by your name.

Okay, if you want to fool the mods at least get a different name and change your sig, I get the image if you were a light bulb you would be a shattered one. Pathetic:rolleyes:

Wow CyborgDouchebag, looks like you grew up with hooked-on-phonics. Of course I just put a 2 by my name. It doesnt matter that I will get banned in the morning or less, it takes a whole 5 minutes to make a new profile. And you honestly think im trying to fool the mods? READ MY SIGNATURE YOU LOSER!

Isnt there an IP ban option that the mods have?

Trolls are so annoying…

Wait, what? I’ve asked this question before, and I was told that it WAS possible. Can someone clarify?

It is possible but it’s very limited. There has been an online RPG created entirely in Blender called Crescent Dawn, but I don’t think it can support massive amounts of people.

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Yeah, hes right. So technically its not a Mass Multiplayer Online RPG

hmmm…flame bait!!! over here!…ya never think of mmorpg first…especially when you have no clue how to use game engine…like me!=D

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