Need help making cube particle wall with molecular script.

I am trying to make a wall that is made up of cubes with the particle system but I am getting the results on the pictures below. The cubes are not filling the rectangular wall up like it does when I make a cube. Sorry if my question is vague but I don’t know alot about Blender and I am trying to learn the best I can. What should I do to get my target object to fill the wall?


particle_wall.blend (479 KB)

Do you want to fill the object with the cube.001 object ?

If so
None of the objects in your scene have a scale of 1. Select all the objects and apply their scale with Ctrl+A
In the Particle / Render settings enable ‘Object’ and select the cube.001 object to be the particle shape
In the Particle / Emission settings increas the grid resolution
Scale the cube.001 object to be the size that fits how you want with that resolution.

Ok So i did that now and everything is at a scale of 1. And my wall is now made of Cubes like I wanted.

Now I am having a problem when I bake. The Cubes are phasing into each other and they are not sticking together. Also they just keep bouncing up off the flat plane floor I made over and over again. How do I get them all to stay together when I bake so that it makes a wall that stands?