Need help! Mesh won't show on render

For some reasons, when i render… the mrsh won’t show… the little camera in the outliner is on and i don’t see why it isn’t rendering… need help

Hi there!!

Right now, it seems like a clipping issue, even though the render is a lil bit frightening :smiley:

The view, and camera, has a “clipping” feature in blender. It means a distance, above which the objects will let you look inside them. Just like in games, when you go close to something and out of a buggy setting, you suddenly start to see inside them. Now, in Blender, it can simply happen if your camera clipping is too long.

With Ctrl + Alt + Num 0, you can set the render view to that view you are having, to your camera. With Num 0, you can always check it, the view your camera will see during render. So this way, you can check if that is the problem.

Here is how to set the clipping lower, if you see, that you crush your mesh with your view:


Yep, the render does look terrifying!
Thank you so so much, i’ll try tomorrow… have z nice day!

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Check clip. But on camera settings also!


Check if render this object is disabled in the outliner.
Also you can make a screenshot from blender directly, Menu ->Window → Save Screenshot.
Handy pictures are bad to see something.

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Didn’t work unfortunately

Maybe any other objects that you have hidden but ON for render? That may block the camera sight

I don’t have any hidden object though

I’ll try and do again from scratch on new one… thanks for trying to help guys tho!

Hmm, then, why not just delete the camera, insert it again, and tweak the camera view again for render.
And lets see if that fixes the issue.

I tried that, didn’t work… i think my mesh is corrupted because it was copy pasted from another one of my blender file…

Well, if you share the .blend file, I can take another look this evening in 2-3 hrs.

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It’s ok, im redoing it! Taking it as an opportunity to try again and make it better :slight_smile:

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make sure “Show Emitter” is checked in the particle panel

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THIS WORKED! thank you so so much!