Need help modeling an ornate table leg

Hi there!

I need to model the foot of this table, from Guerra Vanni. However, I’m not sure how would I start modeling the highlighted sections in red and green…

Can someone give me some tips?

Please refer to the video


Thanks, those seem to be very useful!

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I’d do it with displacement maps as a modelling challenged person.

It looks like you have this solved already but I think some basic modeling and using quadremesher (I just purchased this addon) would work better, depending on how detailed you need to be…along with some of the sculpting tools! I found that quadremesher helps manage topology better than trying to figure out the best way of modeling it. If I block it out and remesh it, then I have a pretty good base to work with plus it follow the shape I’ve created. Of course, I’m still learning how to use it but feel like I can add some of the intricate parts and then remesh the whole thing together. I believe it can use materials for loop controls so that could be very helpful. Good luck and would love to see your results!!