Need help modeling carving

Hi there!

I have to model these details, but I’m unsure how to procede. Do these require scultping (which I have basically 0 knowledge)?

Any help is appreciated!

you fake it with a texture map, or just use the knife cut feature to cut out a general shape and extrude it

When you talk about faking it with a texture map, you’re saying that I could crop the detail in Photoshop and apply it in the right coordinates, right?

About the knife tool, wouldn’t it create a mess out of the topology?

It might be easy to model it yourself.
Because this modeling is a repetition of a pattern, you can create a part of the pattern and replicate it.

You might start with a cylinder matching you repeative motiv. Then only use one part; maybe even mirroring it and then array by object offset ( circular array) on an empty and model away…

I would also just hand model it. I did some quick test not exactly the same but with the similar technique I am sure you can get it exactly the same.

Video of how that was done


I will not sign in to GGGGLLL … but … nice… :wink:

You made an example video for me? Thank you so much! This seems to be exactly what I need :slight_smile:

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It should not require sign in. I changed the permission afterward. Hope it works. The forum allows only 5mb video files.

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