Hello again, now that I’ve finally managed to more-or-less work out the issues I was having with getting the head bend properly, as well as how to get the legs work, I need some help with resolving a number of other rigging issues I’m having.
The first issue that needs to be resolved is that for some reason the IK controller bone for my model’s spine has been attached to the mesh itself once the mesh was parented to the armature via Automatic Weights, resulting in the head deforming when I would try to move the spine:
I have no idea why this is happening, especially the IK controlling bones for both the arms and the tail do not affect the mesh of the designated areas they control the same way. I tried moving the spine controller bone above the head before I parented the mesh to the armature, but it doesn’t seem to make a difference at all. While I can simply reduce the influence that the controller bone has on the rest of the mesh to 0 via Weight Painting, the problem is that I would still have to completely redo the Weight Painting values of how the head bone influences the mesh.
I would much rather have the spine IK controller bone have no influence whatsoever on the mesh itself from the onset of selecting Automatic Weights, its only job being control of the movement of the designated IK chain.
The second rigging problem that I’m having is that when I bend the arm of my model, the arm deforms in ways that the previous version of this model did not:
New model:
Old model:
How I can make my arms of my newer model bend like the ones on my old model? Is it something wrong with mesh of the arms causing the problem? Is related to the placement of the bones in the arms? I tried a number of different things, including deleting the arms and remaking them again, but alas nothing seems to have worked so far.
And lastly, I was wondering how I can make the head of model rotate it’s head back-and-forth without this happening?
I’ve tried rotating the highest spine bone in the chain instead of the head bone itself as a alternative but unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to work any better than rotating the head bone.
I’m not sure how to get the head to rotate without any deformation problems, which is why I need help for this issue as well as the other two I previously mentioned. Ideally, the entirety of the head (essentially the highlighted area shown below) should be able to rotate without deforming, with the neck instead doing all the necessary stretching needed to make the rotation work.
As always, any help with any of the three issues I’ve brought up would be greatly appreciated.
Links to the necessary Blend files:
Current model: rigging_help.blend (601.2 KB)
[Note: The skeletal mesh hasn’t been rigged to the mesh itself, just in case that the necessary modifications need to be applied before rigging.]
Old model: old_model.blend (579.6 KB)