Need help to render and make a jpg or pgn sequence out of a small animation

Hello i am a beginner with the whole exporting multilayers and such and i need some help with a few things in my projet . I created a scenario of a room where you can see a curtain being blown by the wind and i separated some objets/the scenario into 3 layers but i wonder how can i export the 100-200 frame animation into jpg image of each frame . So that i can put them all together and Edit on software like davinci or photoshop ?

Render Animation (Ctrl+F12) instead of Render Image

I am still having troubles because for some reason the folder where i select to export the pngs is adding only png of 1 out of 3 layers

Are you sure all View Layers are set to render?
And be sure to have the proper output folder and file format set of every View Layer as well.


Are you talking about having the options as i have them here ?

yes, i was talking about those. :slight_smile:

Then i have no clue whats going on if the options are all okay

any chance of sharing the blendfile?
It doesn’t have to be full setup, just enough to see what’s can be wrong here.

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Yes i can share it

Just put it on dropbox or something, so we can have a look. :slight_smile:
Not sure if you can attach stuff already as you’re a new user here.

I can but its 125 or 126mb so its taking alot to upload

Here it is the blend file

Just remove most of it, to make it a small file.
So no embedded textures and such. Maybe just one basic material, and delete all the other ones.
Just need to see your settings will be good enough.

edit: will have a DL and a look…

Try it like this:

You’re now overwriting every other View Layer with the same renders.
This way you have more control.

I know, Blender animation rendering doesn’t make much sense in the beginning :wink:

Oh… Never render jpeg’s.

  1. It’s a compressed file format, so it never is optimal
  2. Jpeg’s don’t have a alpha channel, so no use when compositing. Use PNG if you have to, better is exr.

PNG and JPEG formats are lossy and also only contain 8bit per channel data in a non-linear format. That’s no good for compositing. It is usual to use EXR format for compositing. EXR stores 16 or 32 bit per channel linear data that is desirable if you need to use images for compositing and it can also be multi-layer so a single file can contain many images. Use EXR, not JPEG or PNG. In fact, EXR also saves faster and can be smaller than PNG(depending on its compression method). PNG is a terribly poor format in general. The only advantage is it’s popularity and it being supported by pretty much all software. Just use EXR. :smiley:


Just to assimilate and understand better what you said , i just need to do that compositing nodes and change the file to exr and then render animation that it works ? How do i do to appear the images above the nodes as you have them ?

Yes, that’s correct for the exr format, but it’s a combination with the View Layer settings.
So be sure your frame ranges are set correctly etc.

Like I said, it’s a bit of a ‘settings everywhere’…

oh… the thumbnail renders are done automatically after a render. You can turn it off somewhere. Dunno where tbh… :man_shrugging:

I did this as you have , what i am supposed to do now ?

No, remove the outputs in the View layer settings.

And be sure to set all the output from within the composite environment, like in my screenshot.

So the ‘Base Path’ will be the folder to render to.
Can be the same if you want to.

The filename below ‘Add Input’ will the name of the rendered file.
If you keep that empty, it will default to image_framenumber.fileformat

After that, just press the Render Animation menu option. :wink:

Just leaving it like this right ?