Need Help with Bendy Bones Arm

Hi, question appears in image. Can I add something to the arm to pose the middle of the arm?

Can Bendy Bones have a middle bone?

Nobody knows this?

I don’t know this, but I am reading up on bendy bones. There are other ways to do this, like using a curve object and hooks that does allow what you want, I need more time though - bendy bones are new!!! I could do this with IK chains quite easily, why do you need bendy bones?

Cheers, Clock.

One thought, why not use a chain of two bendy bones with the end control bone of the first also being the start control of the next…

Just a thought, but now it’s my bedtime.

Cheers, Clock.

split the bone, (edit mode) so you got 2 bendy bones.
or go to the specific bone and change the curveXY ofset, to set the curve as you like.

perhaps a driver could be made for it, but it might require …

Clock is correct on the two bones…
you will need to split your one bone in two… and un parent them from one another and add a third bone… at the joint… the third bone now becomes the controler for that center bend… you will need to make the 3rd bone the parent of one of the original bones and you will have to use an IK constraint for the other original bone to constantly stick to the 3rd bone… (be sure and set it’s ‘stretch’ setting to 1.0 in the bone IK settings in the Properties Panel…

you could also use an Empty to ‘hook’ too instead of a 3rd bone… but I figure since you already have an Armature your going to be animating in pose mode so having to jump out of pose mode to move an Empty in Object mode will slow you down when it comes time to animate…