Need help with beveling this vertices

Hi guys,

I am stuck on this part of this project… So I am modeling this container that you can see in the picture below. now I need to bevel the area right where the curved shape of the container starts. but because I have so many cuts (to crate the big curve shape) it doesn’t let me bevel those vertices…

this is the container:

this is what i have so far:

with solidify modifier

now i want to create that little bevel to match it with the actual container:

But it doesn’t let me because it reaches the edges of the big curve and it gets stuck.

even if i add the solidify modifier and try to bevel the edge i will have the same issue…

and if i try to turn off the “clamp overlap” everything looks terrible…

Can someone help me please? :sleepy:

Thank you,

You could try the following: Select these vertices:

and move them in the z-direction with proportional falloff enabled:

“Sharp” seems a good choice here. Play around with the Proportional Size until you match the slope.

Another posibility is to contruct this container in another way here is the idea:

and blend file:
container_cons2.blend (138.7 KB)

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