For some very strange reason everytime I play Halo2 on my xbox on split screen it is a verticle slit instead of horizontal and if I play with 3 people it’s a combonation of both…
I can’t find anyway to fix it back to horizontal. Can anyone help?
For some very strange reason everytime I play Halo2 on my xbox on split screen it is a verticle slit instead of horizontal and if I play with 3 people it’s a combonation of both…
I can’t find anyway to fix it back to horizontal. Can anyone help?
Hey Justin,
I had this problem a while back, I’m not entirely sure of where it is, but the setting is on the actual XBox settings, and not Halo 2 in-game. Its in the settings or display screen, shouldn’t be too hard to find.
Ummm, never mind… I found the problem:o I wish there was a way to deleat your own thread. Mods, can you deleat this?
yeah, you have to change from wide screen to normal.:o
Its good you got it fixed at least. Off topic I guess but since you were in the FFVII:AC thread, and its half related to this setting on the Xbox i’ll ask you :D. Have you played the movie on your Xbox or 360 in Widescreen? It really shudders and jitters and I can’t watch it correctly…</off-topic>
I don’t have a 360 yet… can you watch it on the regular xbox?
Our Xbox crashed and burned days before our 360 arrived (either we’re lucky, or its a M$ conspiracy ) so I haven’t been able to check!
LMAO, haha okay I’ll check tonight.