Need help with metal and reflection,

I’m not quite sure this is where this should go. I’ll post a screen of the render and also the blender file. I’m trying to make a metel table and metal chairs basically… but they reflect umm… too well and too clear… I’ve tried several things (that my newbness know hows to try) and can’t quite get the realistic distorted reflection off of them that I’d like to. So I’m hoping for some suggestions, or maybe for someone to mess with the blend and repost it so I can look at it and see what was done and maybe learn from it. < the blend file

Please suggest, comment, criticize or whatever. I just need a more realistic metal reflection. lol

Everything other than the carpet (does the carpet suck?.. I think it looks fine, but I have my doubts.) the very top of the table and the ‘cushions’ on the chair are supposed to be metal.


Should I put this in another section? Doesn’t seem to be getting any attention here.

There’s not a whole lot of activity on the weekend. Everybody’s getting drunk or whatever it is that they do when they get paid. Setting the top side of your table to solid should get rid of the artifacts. As for the reflective edge you can either keep playing with ray mirror (a value of about .1 should do it) or you can tweek it in the composite nodes with an excluded reflection pass but you probably don’t want to get into all of that at this point.

As for your carpet I think it’s supposed to be burber but I have no idea how to go about making it. Maybe setting it to Nor in the textures channels to give it a little bump. I doubt you’ll get anything that looks even halfway realistic out of Blender’s internal renderer though. Saying that light reflects in a complex manner from carpet fibers is a gross understatement. There’s lots of subsurface scattering and intricate cross patterns of specular reflection that will probably turn to mud with high frequency texturing. Maybe someone will come along who knows how to get it done in Blender. I just don’t have a clue.
Works in progress forum gets the most critiquing.

Well, it depends on what kind of metal you want to achieve. It seems like you want to get anisotropic reflections (like brushed chrome), which are not an easy thing to do… A possibility would be to use Tangent shading:
(which was enhanced in 2.43: )

Or, maybe you want to achieve blurred reflections - these are not yet available in Blender directly, although you can fake them by using a tiny cloud bump map with low nor setting.

Sorry, been busy. Thanks for the replies. Yeah, I think (keyword there is think) that I’m wanting anisotropic reflections. I just know it’s reflecting too much like a mirror right now, and I definitely don’t want that. Anyways, I’ll try what you guys said and see how it works out. Thanks for the suggestions.