Need help with physics for my Hoop Earrings

Could someone please help me with making my hoop earrings move when my character move about in her animation

I would use rigid body physics, with cylinder collision, a non-rendering anchor rigid body and point constraint at the attachment to the ear, and simplified non-rendering rigid body colliders for the neck, head, and shoulder. All objects should be parented to appropriate bones.

If you haven’t used rigid body physics before, I would recommend watching and following a few youtube tutorials first to get the hang of it.

I have no idea about most of what you said except for the rigid body physics i am familiar with

Okay. Then the answer is, “Use rigid body physics,” and then you tell me where you get stuck.

I used it in a program called iClone i just watch a tutorial of it in Blender like you said watching some tutorials on it to get used to it, and i will be back to the part where i get stuck

Ok i see two Rigid Body buttons one called Rigid Body, and the other one called Rigid Body Constraint. Which one do i click on?

Did you watch some tutorials yet? Maybe try , which is the top link for me in Google. Should show you what you need to set up, and what the difference between a rigid body and a constraint is.

I have watched that video twice, i get where the hinge in my earrings are to be passive and the “hoop” part has to be active, but how do i attach my earrings to the ear of my character? I need a video showing how to do this with earrings it’s not working for me. All i see are boxes and chain videos. I could send you my project and you could show me. I really need to finish this if you don’t mind

The part you’re calling the hinge should be parented to the head (or to the head bone, or something like that.) There are two parts, right? The part that is stable, and the part that swings, and a rigid body constraint that creates the connection between them.

The stable part should not be passive; rather, it should be “dynamic” and have “animated” checked. Then, it moves with the head, and the rigid body constraint makes the other part move with it.

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Ok gotcha. I joined the hook and hinge together to just make it hinge. Yes just the Hinge, and the Trendsetter Hoop earring which is the “Hoop” earring itself

Wow guess i am just stuck here. If this was a real project i would be screwed.

And where are you stuck? What do you have so far, and what is it doing wrong?

It hasn’t even been one business day since bandages last helped you, a lot of people don’t visit this site over the weekend. Also, no one owes you help. You’ve already received quite a bit of help; that is to say, someone has given you their time, attention, and effort, for free, and received nothing in return. Everything here is on a volunteer, goodwill basis- which means you don’t get to dictate conditions or timetables. You don’t own people’s time unless you’re paying for it

I tried attaching the hinge but it went up i have no idea why it did this

Huh??? where did i dictate anything??? You are being very rude where all i asked was some help that’s it. I never expected anything but some help just like everyone else on this forum you’re attacking me for no reason and i will sure screenshot this for everyone to see how rude you are.

It went up when? When you parented it to a bone, or when you hit play? What are its rigid body settings? What is it parented to?

Parented to a bone, and i parented to the head bone. I didn’t click on rigid body i did it before or am i suppose to parented after. I apologize i am new to this, and it may appear that i am a bit slow at trying to do this.

It went up when you parented it to a bone? Unparent it and reposition (or undo your parent operation), then go to frame 1. Unparent with → “clear parent inverse” to be safe, then parent it to the armature, with the proper bone selected, with “bone relative” parenting.

I undid it. How do i parent with “bone relative” parenting, like what is the key shortcut? I have no idea of all the key shortcut’s in Blender. The hinge was parented to the head bone of the character’s armature that’s the only bone to parent the hinge to.

To parent with bone relative parenting:

  1. In object mode, in the 3D viewport, select the object you want to be the child. Shift-select the armature containing the armature containing the bone you want to be the parent.

  2. Enter pose mode. Select the bone you want to be the parent.

  3. Ctrl-p to bring up the parenting menu. Select “bone relative” from this menu.