need help with script

can somebody help me with script??
checkout definition part…i need write "msg[0][2] " in some property…i don know how to do it from definition:(

import osc

making sure it does it only once

try :
osc.state # because osc.state does not exist it triggers the AttibuteError block of code
except AttributeError :
osc.init() # under the hood it sets everything up fro osc to work

# create a listener in the osc module, and NOT locally
osc.inPort = osc.createListener() # defaults to 9001, localhost if no ip and port are passed

# osc.sendMsg('/init', ['done init osc']) # sending one initial msg

# declare a function that does smthg with a incoming message
def testF(*msg): 
	print 'msg: ', msg
	print 'msg value is: ', msg[0][2] 
# bind the function with an osc tag, when a msg tagged /test arrives funcion testF will be fired
osc.bind(testF, '/test')	

osc.state = 1 # already init, dont do this block of code again

listen for incoming messages

remember to pass the listener you want to use, you could ave several listeners paying attention to different ports



	print 'msg value is: ' + str(msg[0][2])

i dont wnat to print this but write in property:(

import osc
import GameLogic

c = GameLogic.getCurrentController()
o = c.getOwner()
a = 0

making sure it does it only once

try :
osc.state # because osc.state does not exist it triggers the AttibuteError block of code
except AttributeError :
osc.init() # under the hood it sets everything up fro osc to work

# create a listener in the osc module, and NOT locally
osc.inPort = osc.createListener() # defaults to 9001, localhost if no ip and port are passed

# osc.sendMsg('/init', ['done init osc']) # sending one initial msg

# declare a function that does smthg with a incoming message
def testF(*msg): 
    global a
    a = msg[0][2]
# bind the function with an osc tag, when a msg tagged /test arrives funcion testF will be fired
osc.bind(testF, '/test')	

osc.state = 1 # already init, dont do this block of code again

listen for incoming messages

remember to pass the listener you want to use, you could ave several listeners paying attention to different ports


o.prop = a

msg[0][2] represent number from OSC protocol not string