As the topic mentions the seam lines on shulk’s neck and hands is visible already tried merging by distance by lines still persist. Any would be appreciated.
Seam lines -
As the topic mentions the seam lines on shulk’s neck and hands is visible already tried merging by distance by lines still persist. Any would be appreciated.
Seam lines -
Yeah, I’d need more information. Are you certain it’s not the textures that are different? Dou you have normal maps? Are the vertex really merged?
Can you share your model? Or at least the mesh? So I can check and maybe find something?
Sure Shulk4 has limbs and head not merged yet and shulk4F has everything merged by distance joined together as one mesh.
You probably can upload the blender file directly here, without using Google drive. Just drag/drop your file.
Uploaded files.
It is your Normal Maps…disconnect the head and body and the seams will go away…
The head is already disconnected from body with same outcome.
Disconnect the Normal Maps!
Both head and body normals disconnected can still see seam just less then before.
Ok…Now if you Join the head and body, then in edit mode do a merge by distance…back in Object Mode take and disconnect the Specular and add an RGB Curve node to each of the textures and adjust just slightly… The same problem as with the normal maps they are just not done very well…the colors don’t match and the specular maps don’t match in the areas where they join together…would be best if the maps were re-done in Texture Paint or PS or Gimp…for something as simple as this model a Specular map isn’t really needed…since the Diffuse map is nothing but a flood fill, and could be done in the principled node…
I kinda figured it was a texture issue just wanting to make sure thanks for helping.