Need Help With Sequence Editor!!!

I’ve been editing some video with the sequence editor and had a littlie glich come up. The end of animation selector in the animation button will not go past 18000. While it really is not that big of a deal, since one can simply move the clips back frames, render, then edit them together in another program, like virtualdub, it can become quite a nusance. So, i was wondering if there was a better workaround. I am using the 3.0 preview, but have the same problem in 2.28c. Thanks in advance.

scroll down for the even bigger problem though…

ask for it to be changed on

18000 frames is a relative while though, you will probably have to combine them in another program

A 3.0 preview? :o

I think Xenor meant 2.3 preview.

whoops, sorry about that, 2.3 preview.

and now i’m having even bigger troubles, none of the clips show up in the render! all i get is a black video. i have the “do sequence” button pressed, and both the video clips im working with havent been touched, except for playing them. it was working fine before… and i’m dumbfounded as to why it refuses to now. even more peculiar, when i made a new file and rendered a clip of the video, it worked fine, but if i try to render the same video in the file i’ve been working with, it still renders a black video… if that makes any sense. the oly changes i have made are to copy and move around a clip, and add 1 effect.

different blend file, same video (file, not the same number of clips, effects, movement, ect), works fine. 2.28c and 2.3p

same blend file, same video (with all clips and effects, ect), renders black screen. 2.28c and 2.3p

if you can make any sense of what i just said, do you have any ideas as to what’s going on? i’ve tried as much as i can think of (which isnt much… :-? )