need help with UV unwrap

A: i not speak english correctly (or at all) please reply me in the more neutral english that you can
B: i not are a profesional modeler or similar, and blender is the first 3d moddeling program that i use

i try to make a model for a game mod, and by the specs of the game engine i need to UV texture the model (using olny few material and only one texture image). the problem is when i select the faces to texture , i select the image file in the UV editor and press U(in 3d view) to unwrap the faces i only take a lot of overlaped faces over the image. the best result that i can is with cube projection:
i never can make any similar to this(except when select only 2 or 3 faces):
i are using version 2.42(windows)

You need to add seams to your mesh before you unwrap with the “unwrap” option in the “UV Caluclation” pop-up menu you see in your screenshot there.

Seams are cuts you add to your mesh to help you layout your UV map so you don’t get overlaps like you are in your mesh. Look at the cube with orange lines. Those orange lines are the seams (the cuts).

You can add seam by going to edit mode with Tab key and then selecting edges you want to cut. Once you have the edges you want to add the cuts to, you can press Ctrl + E to add the cuts.

Here’s a small demonstration:

really thxs

no problem