Need help

I am running through a issue with mouse selection. What’s happening is that I’ve changed my selection to right mouse button.
And I was running into issue with precision, because the right mouse button also moves objects when selecting them. To overcome this issue I’ve played with dragging and movement thresholds but I didn’t liked that.
So I choose the right mouse button option for select&tweak and selection but it doesn’t doing anything. Don’t know if it is a script problem or lag. But I have already uninstalled and reinstalled the blender but it isn’t resolving the issue.
Please help me if anyone knows about this issue.

Also I request to Blender’s support and development team to look at this issue.
Me and many other users and artists love if you add shortcut for gizmos it really gives us very vast amount of control over things and shortcut made it very handy.

Keep going. eventually you will have learned to stop dragging as you right click.
Lift your wrist off the table and practice clicking. Or have the outside edge of your palm just touching the table. Drop your elbow down. Stop mashing the buttons hard like you are gaming.

Not sure what you mean by it doesn’t doing anything. Select and tweak immediately moves the vertex or object. Selection means you click to select, then click to move.

What version are you using? Back around 2.9 the mouse settings were changed when the number input sliders were made logarithmic - so the numbers jumped a lot if you moved the mouse quick. There was a definite problem with right click selection being much more sensitive with that change, but it got changed a couple more updates later.

Thanks for this:
“There was a definite problem with right click selection being much more sensitive with that change, but it got changed a couple more updates later.”

This was exact what i wanted.