2: I need some guides - namely, I ain’t no coder but need some advice on howto use blender’s python for simple tasks - sort of similar to simple actionscripting - building cloned arrays of objects, moving them, etc. , how to do gettimer - sin - asin ramp function etc in blender. (well, I suppose somebody used blender’s python in this way?)
I hate to break this to you but there is a Search option in theres forums…and there always the big list of scritps if any I would do is kick you rather then laugh cuase you ain’t be needing no programming to be search dis forum
Usually this forum is frendlier than that, (Sutabi is too).
It sounds like you are coming from a Flash background, me too. I am not sure that you will find those specific answers in so many words, in the old posts here… at least I havn’t.
There are some general tutorials floating around, they seem to break down into three groups
1.) Those that begin with “This information applies to Blender 1.8 and you will need a C key…”
2.) Those that require a complete understanding of the subject to make any sense at all.
3.)Those that deal with the subject of rendering in yafray.
Prior to the release of Blender 1.8a (Complete Blender) the more advanced features (including Python scripting) were reserved for the users of Blender who had purchased a Ckey.