Need help : )

Im something of a computer noob…Ive learned enough about Blender to make simple things for use in Second Life but when I Save the Image to my computer I cant find it again to send to SL! Can anyone help me?

when I say Image I mean the UV map…its so frustrating to do all that work then “lose” it somewhere in the depths of my computer : /

?? what are you on about. get a proper file structure going man! :smiley: and if you’re on unix based OS most of the saved somewhere stuf ends up in /tmp/ … so be quick about it and retrieve it from there. before it’s flushed.

err…thanks??? I’ll come back when I don’t need any help.

In aermartins defense: I also have no idea, what you’re talking about

Telling us your OS would be a start. If you saved your image using F3, press F3 again, it might be set to the same path.
If you used the render output, press F10, scroll down and check which folder was selected.
Easiest way (but slow): search for the filename in the finder/explorer.

This is a fun thread.

Think of it like Haiku.

I’ll bet it got saved to “documents” somewhere.

  1. open the .blend file with your 2nd life character
  2. go to a UV/Image Editor view
  3. click the small image icon (browse image to be linked)
  4. press F3 , save the copy onto the desktop.

it seemed it was a continuation to a former thread he/she started. besides it should be in materials / textures section maybe… hope you solved your problems kennie! :slight_smile: