need input on my website



nuff said. compare, contrast, comment, critique.

Looks great.

The new one flows alot better from top to bottom and from left to right as well. It’s alot more consistent this time 'round. I really like it. What did you use to create it? FrontPage, or another program? Or did your host site have a builder for you?

It’s really, really cool though. I like it.

i built the whole thing from scratch using 1 php file and 1 css file :wink: (excluding the splash page)

Hi, Looks good, nicely done color scheme.
The link I tested for the sonix library went to your old home page?
Over all…
Very Professional looking site! Well done!

get rid of the first page… those things annoy the heck out of most people. just make the first page of the site sexy and simple enough not to scare.

an extra click is a click lots of people may not make. (especially since its at the begining)

otherwise really nice


It’s better than your last /old site, but it could do with some improvements otherwise it does just look like another generic site with your own image slaped along the header. Alot of the design elements used (scan lines, outer glow/ shadows on the sides etc) are used alot on digital artist’s sites so you’re not standing from a crowd atm.

Spacing of new lines for a few items (navigation, first header /popular links ) seem a bit to big /spaced out IMO. and the text Headers seems a bit too big in comparison to the body type and I would suggest shrinking them a bit :slight_smile:

On the games page, almost half of your page is taken (on my high res) by big bulky single line text. On 800*600 I expect it will taking up 1 whole page length…

looks nice, loads kinda awkward though. Also Id change the font or the layout of the text that says “anthology”

splash page - sad face :frowning:

the setup is professional (header, content on the left, menu on the right), but the font/color scheme, to me, isn’t. it’s a little too gray. I always liked sites like for portfolios, because the color scheme is bright, which provides for lots of contrast. and your font, just a little too big. Also, it the whole site isn’t friendly on my 800x600 resolution… The artwork, of course, is exceptional. Maybe you should display it a bit more in your layout.

Hope that helps.

Thanks for the input. I realized it’s rather ‘generic’ looking, and frankly I am rather uninspired right now, so…

meta-androcto: i am going to have a nicer ‘404 error’ page so that not found doesn’t redirect to my homepage.

the first page definitly will go, but how do i make the document root “page?about” rather than the current ‘index.html’…is redirection the only option?

lukus, fixed.

punkfrog, without messing with more divs, i am going to see if i can get a faster server and just host the filsite there.