Need Quick Help: Blender 2.41 & HDRI

Hi all!

I know that this might be a stupid question, but i have to ask!
Can anyone explane how to load HDRI?
Shading tab -> World Settings -> Add New Texture -> …
Please, step by step would be fine.

Many, many thanks!

Greetings from Serbia!

First off, Blender can not utilize actual HDR files with the internal renderer. You need to use Yafray for that. You can convert HDRI files to TGA, etc. with HDRI Shop, which is free btw. Just google it.

Next, in the World settings, Add a new texture, load in the IMAGE texture and then set it to AngMap, HOR, and turn on the REAL button.

Hope that helps some.


Thanks BgDM!

I’m using YafRay and did just You’ve posted. Well, everything except playing with buttons on World’s Texture panel. And now, I have what I’m looking for.
Sorry if my English is not so good.
