This is probably the scene I’ve worked most on and I’m really happy with how it’s looking but need some advice on how to really push the realism and generally tweak the image. I know the material on the stool looks weird, and i didn’t deactivate node wrangler on the mattress which is why it’s glowing. That’s all going to be changed.
Looks really good so far, maybe more detail on the TV and try to use more sunlight rather than artificial light because lights aren’t really on during the day. Also, not sure about the extremely polished white wood, maybe experiment with a different colour?
The scene composition looks pretty good!
A lot of nice models and furniture.
I highly suggest you work a bit more in the lightning, I don’t really understand the light, where is it coming from? There’s not enough shadows in the scene, shadows are as important as light.
Keep working on it
First - I like the detailed models, especially the pillows are great and look realistic.
Things you can improve - the lightening in this scene - I suggest focusing on interior light sources (lamps) at the cost of the outside scenery. As it is now, you have mostly uniform light, which can contribute to less realistic look - some corners need to be darker, the parts next to windows and lamps - lighter.
Also, you can add some depth to your wood material - use eiter displacement or normal maps.
Just PM’d you, would love to talk!