Need some help for an (awesome) birthday present.

Hello Blender community,
i’m new here and i am working on an awesome birthday present :smiley:
I want to create a 3D-model of Leonas’ zenith blade (a sword from a LeagueOfLegends Character) and want
to 3D-print it out. But im stuck at some points. I want to have an engravement on the handle but if i use the boolean
modifier it looks really bad. And that “ring” which connects the blade with the handle looks like a donut :no:

Can u guys help me out and give me some tips or quickmodel the ring/ engravement for me :o
I would appreciate it :eyebrowlift:

Sry for my (possibly) bad english.

The third one is the original sword.

Hey, GuitarKirby2, welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Your model looks good, already. For the “donut” problem you only need a few supporting edge loops to sharpen the edges at the outside and the ones at the inner circle. You mastered more difficult shapes for your sword already :slight_smile:

I don’t think a 3D printer will handle smooth shading any differently from flat shading…it’s just a visual effect as far as I’m aware. So you should probably set the entire model to be flat shaded, that way you can see where you need additional polys. You may find that resolves your issue with the boolean.

I don’t think a 3D printer will handle smooth shading any differently from flat shading

For the one an only 3D print that I ordered so far, I modelled with smooth shading and a subsurf modifier of 2. The model was exported from Blender with the subsurfing and the printed thing had really smooth curves.

Could that have been just as a result of the subsurf modifier?

:edit: A quick search suggest to me that you smooth result was due to the subsurf and you would have got the same result with or without smooth shading (the clue is in the name I think…“shading”).

Hey guys,
thanks for your fast replies :slight_smile:
Yea i will turn off the smooth and will add some subdivision surfaces.
Is there anything i should consider when want to 3D print it ??
Like the engravement. Will it be clearly visible ??