Need Specific Texture for Current Project

I’m currently working on a project that requires the the side cover texture for a video game case (as you’ll see if you skim down the thread.) I asked for help there, but it occurred to me, if I’m gonna ask for help, I should do it in the help section. I’d get the texture myself, but the problem is, I don’t know of any place on the net that has the picture, and my scanner’s broken, so I can’t create the texture myself. A digital camera is no good - too much glare. Is there anyone in the Blender community that would be willing to help me here?

Google says there are 23,800,000 pictures of the xbox 360 available at the click of a button. take your pick.

Clearly my complex high sounding retoric has evolved passed human comprehension. So let me redefine the problem on simpler terms.

oh. well, sorry, i’m human. Any non-humans want to try to help this guy?

A problem has just occurred to me. A scanner would light up any part of a game cover that it’s scanning. That part of the game cover would then have a whole lot o’ glare. So scanning is even a worse idea than using a digital camera. It has also occurred to me that there might be a way to light the game cover from the side so that it doesn’t glare while I’m taking a snapshot. It also has occurred to me that nobody cares about my problem and wishes I would shutup already. So from now on, I hold my peace.


Eagle Orion, the scanner wouldn’t give glare (well, presuming you take the paper out of the cover, of course - just bend back the cover and you can easily take it out).

It has now.