need to get rid of the edge blur of the render

hello everyone,

so i have a problem with the edge blur. i want to get rid of it i just dont know how.
how do i get rid of it?

also, is there a way to make the backround transperent? i’m wanting to do that for a 2d game i want to make.

so i have a problem with the edge blur. i want to get rid of it i just dont know how.
how do i get rid of it?

Don’t know what you are talking about, show a screenshot etch of what you mean. If you are talking about anti-aliasing just switch it off in the render settings (called OSA)

also, is there a way to make the backround transperent? i’m wanting to do that for a 2d game i want to make.

You need to render to a format that can support an alpha channel such as .png and change from RGB to RGBA
If you want to not render the sky just remove the Sky from the render layers panel.
Note all these answers are for blender 2.49b since I’ll have to assume you re using the latest stable version of blender. If you really mean blender 2.55beta the answer is the same but their settings location and names may be different.

how do i get rid of the sky?

As said above, if you want to not render the sky just remove the Sky from the render layers panel.

thanks i had a dumb moment right there…

You might try turning off mip mapping.