Need to make short fur

Hi i need some help in making short fur, or hair.What I’m trying to recreate is a soft toy like look.
Problem 1 is that using particles the hair is just too long, problem 2 is that it needs to go fuzy at the ends, and I cant seem to get that effect, problem 3 is I need bunches of hair, as from my obsevation hair comes in mini clumps.

Now I got this result using 2 material Nodes, though I lost the settings as I forgot to save and havent beeen able to replicate it again.I used dof to get a little fuzziness, and the normals for particles at 0.005 which was about the lowest I could get.

Sorry if none of that makes much sense.Any help or suggestions would be very much appreciated.


The clumps are from multiple strands being emmited from a single face. Increasing the number of faces will increase the number of clumps for a denser effect. You could try downloading the CVS build that has the jahka particle system patch which utterly blows away the current particle system. As far as I’m aware it’s only for windoze and Mac at the moment. The density for halo particles (not sure about static) is unreal. Reminds me of a swarm of bees. Has ten times the options of the current system too. You could also try the unborn and children buttons on your current build.
You can get the CVS versions here:

As for the rest, I’m not sure what to tell you cuz I don’t play with them much.

Cheers for the help I will give it a whirl.

I did see atutorial once where the knife tool ( I think) was used to cut particles to get different lenghs of grass.Any one remember where I can find that?

Here’s a quote from another post in another forum:

If he says it’s in the wiki, that’s probably because HE put it there. Good luck!