(☠ Retired) Neltulz - Smart Frame 1.0.16 - Blender 2.81

2022-04-07 - I haven’t done anything with Blender for well over a year now, and I don’t know if I’ll be coming back to edit any of these add-ons any time soon. The functionality in many of my add-ons is probably broken now, and I have no plans to fix them. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Blender Addon that allows you to quickly frame selection, isolate selection, and display objects as templates (Wireframe with click-through capability)


Download Smart Frame Add-on

Backup Links:

Download from Gumroad
Download from Github
Download from Dropbox


  • Frame Objects or All when nothing is selected using F key (Customizable in Keymap Preferences)
  • Frame Vertices, Edges, Faces, and adjust zoom level using F key (Customizable in Keymap Preferences)
  • Showstopper Feature: Frame multiple 3d viewports in multiple windows. This is a custom quad view layout so that each view can have its own custom display settings. Users who are familiar with Autodesk Maya and 3DS Max will greatly appreciate this!
  • Exclude object types (such as lights) when framing objects.


  • Isolate Objects, Vertices, Edges, or Faces when using the “SHIFT+F” Key (Customizable in Keymap Preferences)


  • Convert objects to Templates with click-through capability quickly and easily. Great for reference such as blueprints.


  • Panels


Select an object, face, edge, or vertice, and press F to frame, or Shift+F to isolate. CTRL+Shift+F to frame & isolate simultaneously. You can also exclude certain objects from being isolated, which is useful for preventing things like, image planes, or image backgrounds from being hidden.

If nothing in the scene is selected when pressing F to frame, “Frame All” will be chosen instead. You can also exclude by visibility, so you can exclude (for example) lights, when framing.

Please report any bugs here! :slight_smile:


Download Smart Frame Add-on

Backup Links:

Download from Gumroad
Download from Github
Download from Dropbox

Check out my other add-ons

Edge Curve+ - Quickly insert edge loops with flow.
Quick SubD - A quick way to subdivide single or multiple objects in your scene for spotting problems.
Smart Object - Coming Soon
Smart Sharpen - Automatically sharpen/soften a selection based on edge angle.
Symmetry - Slice, cut, or mirror a mesh object easily.


Updated addon to v1.0.6


  • Added ability to display objects as “Templates” (Wireframe with select-through capability)
  • Improved display of exclusion list of objects from isolate.

Updated addon to v1.0.7


  • Added ability to “Hide Floor on Isolate” (Enabled by default)
  • Added ability to “Frame” and “Isolate” Bezier Curve points
  • Added Error messages when trying to “Frame” or “Isolate” unsupported object types while in “Edit” mode
  • Added “Use Advanced Settings” checkbox and “Show Error Messages” checkbox
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Updated addon to v1.0.8


  • Added ability to move the viewport to the origin
  • More object type support for framing and isolating. (Surface, Metaball, Grease Pencil, Armatures, etc.)
  • Organized & improved the sidebar panel
  • Added ability to use all regions when framing (Useful for quad view)
  • Simplified what is framed when nothing is selected
  • More Hotkey (Keymaps)
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Updated addon to v1.0.9


  • Added ability to hide axes when isolating objects
  • Added “Use Extreme Isolate”. When enabled, hidden objects will be “truly” hidden, granting a huge performance increase when adding objects to the scene and adjusting their operator properties.
    Use caution, this setting can cause the scene to take a very long time to refresh when unhiding all previously hidden objects, depending on scene complexity and total scene poly count.
  • Improve compatibility with other addons when performing UNDO or REDO. (Added “UNDO” to the operator options
  • Removed some console print messages.
  • Removed some unnecessary code that apparently did nothing.
  • Removed some code that was supposed to improve camera distance when framing only 1 vertice, but in many cases, was causing the camera to be too zoomed out.


Updated addon to v1.0.10


  • Added ability to isolate even when no objects are selected

Updated addon to v1.0.11


  • Smooth viewport animation: Added ‘INVOKE_DEFAULT’ to all view commands so that framing view or selected causes viewport to interpolate/animate to the destination.

Updated addon to v1.0.12


  • Shortened add-on name from “Smart Frame Selection” to “Smart Frame”

  • Set default sidebar tab name to “Neltulz” so that all Neltulz related sidebars from various Neltulz add-ons will be organized here.

  • Changed operator bl_idnames to improve organization. This may break things if you’ve added operators to any custom pie menus. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  • Improved sidebar panel significantly. Better use of space.

  • Reduced the number of keymaps by switching over to "3D View Generic. This should make it easier for users to customize keymaps

  • Ability to isolate even when all objects in the scene are selected

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Updated add-on to v1.0.13


  • New Compact popup/pie panel and compact sidebar panel.

  • New alternate zoom method when framing. You can now adjust the zoom when framing objects, vertices, edges, faces, etc.

  • New ability to frame multiple 3D viewports, even in multiple windows. This is useful when framing objects or vertices when using custom layouts with multiple 3D views.

  • Ability to choose whether you want to smoothly frame, or frame instantaneously.

Bug fixes:

  • Bug Fix: Could not frame object when there was no active object

  • Bug Fix: Unable to move viewport to origin in many situations (Edit mode, unselected objects, no active objects etc)


Thanks for another great update!
It would be great if you added the “show last hidden” option.

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Shortened explanation: The way the isolate feature in Smart Frame works is, if you’re in object mode and you have previously isolated one or more objects, the next time you press the isolate button, it unhides everything that was previously hidden.

Long, technical explanation: When you press the “isolate” button, it checks every visible object in the scene (except for the objects you currently have selected) and adds a custom property to the object called “ntzSmFrm_hidden”. Then, it hides every object with that custom property. The next time you click the isolate button, it will check every object for that custom property. If found, it will remove the property and unhide the object. This means, the isolate feature will respect any explicitly hidden objects in your scene, so that they do not get accidentally unhidden. My add-on’s isolate feature is similar to how Autodesk Maya isolates objects.

If you’re asking for a way to unhide an object that you hid another way (either via outliner, or some other hotkey), my add-on does not keep a record of objects that were previously hidden that way, so it does not currently have a way to do that. In fact, after checking with another blender user, blender itself does not keep a history of hidden objects. So, short of intercepting hide object events, I do not know how to implement what you are asking for.

If I am not understanding you clearly, can you clarify what you mean by “show last hidden”?

I didn’t know how much I needed this until I tried it. This is quite the useful tool! thanks.

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Updated add-on to v1.0.14

  • Moved many settings to the add-on preferences so that they survive blend file changes and program restarts.

Updated add-on to v1.0.15

  • Improved performance when framing vertices/edges/faces while in edit mode, for objects with very high vertex counts.

  • Fixed bug that was preventing users from assigning operators to keymaps via right click menu. If you have any custom keymaps for this add-on, you will have to recreate them. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  • Moved some keymaps from 3D View Generic to 3D View. This should hopefully prevent some keymap unregister errors when unloading the add-on.

  • Split the Smart Frame operator into 4 separate operators so that they are easier to identify in the keymap preferences.

  • Fixed many bugs that prevented adjusting zoom when framing or moving viewport to origin.

  • Fixed bug that prevented mesh objects with no mesh data from being framed.

  • Fixed bug that prevented mesh objects with single vertex selection from being framed.

  • Fixed bug where unchecking an object type such as “Lights” would cause the object to never frame when the user has the object selected and tries to frame it.


Thanks for this. Love this tool. This is how Blender should function by default.

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Updated to v1.0.16

  • Added feature to expand the outliner to the selected object(s) when framing in the 3D viewport

  • Added an experimental feature to collapse all items in the outliner for unselected objects when framing in the 3D viewport.

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Neltultz in some cad programs if you left click and drag from right to left it only selects what is entirely withinin the selection box. Does your smart frame do something like this? When I try to select for example a chair, the floor is selected as well, and the roof I think and the ceiling. Is there a way of doing this so only the chair get’s selected. If there is, and you can explain it to me I will purchase the addon for 5 us dollars. If you can, it is actually worth alot more than that. Thanks

If you box select the chair and then click select less you get more or less what you want. So I have things figured out. Thanks alot.

great addon,

I’m getting a 404 error on the two links above :cry::cry::cry:

EDIT: I see it may have been moved to Gumroad.

EDIT2: …or github… :confounded::confounded::confounded:


I´m dealing with a bit of a hiccup. I installed the add-on, yet it does not appear in the Keymap searchbar so I can use it.