Nested Instances - individual random values?
Hi, I want to have different ring combinations for each instance. So the Seed for the “Random Value” should be different for each point of the Grid (Grid should be procedural). But I can’t get it… Thanks for help. Couldn’t find solutions somewhere else.
(Also, having in each instance a different amount of rings would be nice.)
I would use instance on point, and gave many points and delete some, and use random scale using world position and use index in W value
random_circles.blend (843.0 KB)
Thanks a lot, that is an approach. But the deletion doesn’t work, it is always the same amount of rings. And… could you please explain where this grid of 8x2 originates?
(The other solution is not a desired one, I need a regular grid.)
creative video, superb.
Hurray! Thank you very much <3
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