Nestergal creative school studio Demoreel 2015 made in Blender

Nestergal creative school studio is a small amateur school studio based in Odessa, Ukraine.
This is our Demoreel 2015.
All the projects from this Demoreal were made entirely in our studio and we used for this:

  • Blender - for character and environment modeling, rigging, motion capture animation correction and for cloth simulation. All the characters were rendered in Blender (render engine Cycles);
  • Adobe Photoshop - for textures;
  • Adobe After Effects - for environment rendering with the plugin Element 3D and also for final compositing;
  • Ipi Soft - for body motion capture;
  • Faceshift - for Facial motion capture.

Dear friends! Thanks to our Demoreel we won iPi Mocap Studio Pro Year Subscription! Actually motion capture can be very easy with Ipi Soft! We tried it by ourselves with previous versions of iPi Soft. And now we expect for extra wonderful year with new Motion Capture Software from iPi Soft! We feel ourselves really happy! Hurahh!