Im searching for Network render tips (in 2.53) Spent some two hours to understand its logic.But still not clear. I managed to get one computer to send render job to another. I sent job from Client to Master. But i cant get render result back, nor i see activity on Master computer!
Firstly i created Master and slave, ( i though thats the way to do it) but when they connected i coul not get the print job to be sent !
Confusing, there is no detailed tutorial but if someone knows for such, please help!
I also tried Farmer Joe, managed to do all connections, but when i try to initialize job, there is a pyton script error (Blender 2.53). Scripts thing changed in blender 2.5, so things are confusing to me. I executed script by pasting txt to script window, but bummer.
For me FarmerJoe is better …
I think netrender in 2.5 now is not so compelete.
I try and I found a lots of problem in it.
not so good when you using libary linking.
And maybe they have’t try it under windows,because when your submit a job,the job file name using the full path.
Netrender try to copy every external file it need to tempary directory,I don’t think it’s a good way,it’s not so flex because we never know how complex linking our files are.
relative path always is good method.
So I prefer Farmerjoe,it’s using relative path,works very well between windows and linux,it can copy sub directory before start job.It may need some update know,but it’s easy to modify the job submit python script to fit in your 2.5 use.
I hope someone rewrite Farmerjoe in python,otherwise I need to learn perl to improve it.
Thanks, Harrisyu. Yes, i find FarmerJoe best solution myself! Hopefully there will be improvement both in FarmerJoe and builtin version (especially for WIndows where im working most of my job)
I also have problem with renderfarm software. Now I start the render job on each PC manually with command line (ubuntu).
This could be a problem if someone have 16 nodes, but with 2 or 3 PC’s, like me, I think this is the best solution, it’s only need to uncheck “overwrite” and check “placeholders” on Blender 2.5X render panel.
Any further progress on this? - Has anyone got farmer joe working in 2.6x?? - Have potentially 20+ dual core machines at my disposal for network rendering and would love to get FJ working as the render manager. Got it installed on 8 cores but cant get 2.6x to use it