Networking Question

I have a verizon wireless national access broadband card that only connects into my laptop, but i need internet access on my desktop. I was wondering if there is any way to get my laptop to share the connection with my desktop wirelessly. If anyone can help me out with a simple explanation or a link to where I can obtain this information, I would be forever greatful = )

Of course, it’s probably not nearly as simple as this in reality, but… :slight_smile:
Oh, I’m assuming you use Windows.
Connect your PCs using an Ethernet cable.
Right-click the wireless network connection in the taskbar, and click Open Network Connections.
Right-click the wireless network connection and select Properties.
Under the Advanced tab, select ‘Allow other network users to…’, and select the local area connection to your desktop in the combobox. Press OK etc.
HOPEFULLY this works. However, I’d check the Microsoft documentation (again, presuming you’re in Windows!).
Good luck!

Nope. Dosent work. I think the problem with that is that you advised me to use a regular ethernet cable and this would only work with a crossover cable. Thanks for the help though.

Let me rephrase this…

Is there any way for my router to pick up the internet connection from my laptop wirelessly so that it can use that connection and distribute it to my desktop via ethernet cable?
(rather than having a modem give the connection to the router, i want my laptop to do it)

Hopefully that’s a bit easier to understand.

Have you tried configuring your router to use your laptop’s IP address as the default gateway?

That’s probably it.

well what do you know… it works! i had no idea i could do that = )

Thanks Rocketman :wink:

BTW, most modern cards can tell whether a cable is crossover or not and adapt, so you can use a normal cable to directly connect 2 computers. Assuming the computers have modern cards.