Neural Style Transfer Node?

if one were to use a thread/worker it would not lock up
and the waiting is no longer then a bake in cycles as far as I can tell.

it’s just handy but at the moment I can’t control as much as I would like
(upscale /downscale images etc)

edit - tonights tests

This has become more of a tests thread than a discussion thread. Moved from “General Forums > Blender and CG Discussions” to “Artwork > Blender Tests”

Center is the basis - as you can see I did not give it much to work with

if I made the chest plate look more like real armor- then use real armor as the style image - we will see what happens.

LEarned a few things

    • If you use white space as a solid object it gets confused, (had to invert this)
      2 - if the linework is too simple sometimes the transfer fails
      3 - images of portholes on metal panel work quite well to setup more robust lines