Never ending text adventure

I thought of a great forum game idea. It’s based on the old text adventures, where the scene is described to the player, and the person playing types a command. Basically, I will type a scene and a command. The next person will have to type the resulting action of my command and type a new command for the next person. There is also an inventory of the currently held items, just copy and paste it for each post and add or delete items when neccissary.

After hours and hours of flying in circles your little old airplane ran out of fuel and crashed in the middle of the jungle. There are tall trees and dense veggitation around you. Your airplane is lying there as a smuldering pile of scrap metal. Some supplies may have survived the crash. There is a monkey in the trees overhead. You can go East, South, or North.

1 Pilot liscense
1 Empty lighter
3 Packages of salted peanuts

Salvage whatever supplies are left in-tact.

examine chest
get key
open door

  • After stumbling over loose drapping support cables to reach an obvious place for the supplies to be thrown when the plane hit the ground, you breathe deeply to control yourself and hope for the medical kit.
    Struggling to remove some heavy remains you notice the case is cracked and half the contents scatterd about and possily outside the damaged ship. Also found was a can of pop. It catches your eye.

You decide a cool refreshing bubbly soda would be a nice break for you. Without thinking about it too much you subconciously put it in your pocket, and decide whether it’s safer to brave the outside monkey, or to be reminded of your awful headache in this crashed ship.

examine Exit

the exit seems to be on fire so you turn around and jump out of the giant hole in the other side of the plane.

you land on the ground and look around seeing a pair of feet underneath your plane.

they have a pair of very nice boots that you decide to remove, and some red and white stockings (it reminds you of the wizard of oz)

you look around and see a nice tarzan vine hanging by the side of a cliff

1 Pilot liscense
1 Empty lighter
3 Packages of salted peanuts
4 can of POP
5 Boots from a witch

grabs vine!

you swing down on the vine until halfway across the vine breaks. You are sent plummeting to the ground and land in a bunch of bushes. In the distance you hear a noise, and when you bend back the nearby trees, you see a village full of monkeys. Right in the center of the village is two humans. They are tied up.

You walk into the village.

As you approach the village, you recognice the two tied-up people, they are the nice couple that sat besides you in the airplane. You remember that their name was either Greystone or Greystoke. Anyway, you can’t see their little baby boy anywhere.
Sneakily you approach the village in the cover of some bushes. The monkeys haven’t noticed you yet. They seem quite angry about something, and you decide it might be better if you didn’t show yourself just yet.

Hide in bushes and see what happens.

while hiding in the bushes you feel a tug on your shirt and before you know it you are hanging up with the other two from your airplane.

you notice that the monkeys are just finishing a feast, you see one of the monkeys toss a cleanly stripped skull and recognise the pilots hat that if still firmlay attached to it.

the monkeys come your way and rip one of the other two from the pole and start pulling her arms and legs off and passing them around.

“s h i t” my pants (oh and pull out bag of penuts)

Cleaverly you pulled out a package of peanuts, which the monkeys instantly become fixated on. They seem to need a nice change after eating so much raw meat. They approach you anxiously, but stop and hesitate. Appearantly they don’t really like the smell comming from your pants, and now they don’t really know what to do.

1 Pilot liscense
1 Empty lighter
2 Packages of salted peanuts
4 can of POP
5 Boots from a witch

Ask monkeys about the five legged witch (she had five boots on)

You try to talk to the monkeys but they get very mad. They surround you holding big sticks. They look very angry. You take out teh bag of peanuts and toss it away as a distraction. It works. All the monkeys run after the bag of peanuts. You run away and take some meat left overs with you.

1 Pilot liscense
2 Empty lighter
3 can of POP
4 Boots from a witch
5 meat leftovers

find somewhere to run to and fire to cook the raw meat.

I don’t see any “somewhere to run”.

You are still tied to a stake, but majically, somehow, the quantity of all your items have changed. Now you have:

1 Pilot liscence
2 Empty lighter
3 can of POP
4 Boots from a witch
5 meat leftovers

Drink one of the three cans of POP.

The can of POP was accidently shaken up in the crash landing. It sprayed all over place. The air is now saturated with caffine particles, which put the killer monkeys into hyper-active mode. The monkeys are now jumping all over the place, tearing up everything they see. In the confusion you manage to untie yourself. There is sill one live man tied to a stake. You can go East or West.

1 Pilot liscence
2 Empty lighter
2 can of POP
4 Boots from a witch
5 meat leftovers

Mock the man in perill because I am free and he is not!

The man turns out to be a trap set up by the killer monkeys. Trapped, they steal your inventory, give you a bunch of useless inventory objects, and give you a CD player. Unfortunately, they don’t have batteries.

Inventory now:

A dozen bronze bananas
A mousepad
A “Yanni” CD
A piece of foil

Bite down on the foil really hard. (Ow)

Ouch. You think “I should have gone to the dentist” but then you remember your chemistry class. Looking around you find a strange looking fruit.

Inventory now:

1 dozen bronze bananas
2 mousepad
3 “Yanni” CD
4 piece of foil
5 strange looking fruit

Taste the fruit.

you bite into the strange looking fruit, however it turns out to be cubefans head. you look inside the head after taking the bite and realise it has no brain, but it contains all your previous inventry items as well as a message saying sorry gone out shopping.

anyway you take a bronze bannana and eat it, it turns you into the bronze monkey bannana king and you get instant attention from the group of monkeys

Inventory now:

1 dozen bronze bananas
2 mousepad
3 “Yanni” CD
4 piece of foil
5 strange looking fruit
6 Pilot liscence
7 Empty lighter
8 can of POP
9 Boots from a witch
10 meat leftovers
11 message from cubefan saying he’s shopping

“throw away all useless items”

Unfortunately, you give the monkeys the responsibility. They turn out to be CubeFan’s helpers, and they take away all your inventory, and now, because you’ve ticked off CF, they don’t give you anything. They tie you to a rocket.

Inventory: None

“Shoot CubeFan in the crotch”

You cannot do that.


Look at rocket

While examining the rocket you notice a latch with a radioactivity sign on it. Toy also notice a loose wire comig from a crack of another panel. There is also a roll of duct tape on the ground before the rocket.


Pick up duckt tape

While picking up the duct tape you notice a trapdoor. You open it carefully. A bright green light blinds you and you hear the sound of lovely singing voices. As soon as you can see again you realize that you found the jackpot: An Universal CF Defender and an high effective Poll Repellent.


  1. duct tape


Pick up the
UCFD and the Poll Repellent

You Pick up the UCFD and the Poll Repellent. There is a warning tag on the poll repellent.


  1. duct tape
  2. UCFD
  3. Poll Repellent


Read Warning

The tag says:
This poll repellent is highly reactive and may ignite on contact with Duct Tape and any nuclear device. Not certified for use near Chernobyl.(sp?)
Conforms to IEEE 1934 standards for commercial use.

wrap FireWire Capable Poll Repellent with Duct Tape


the duct tape starts making a funny smell, and that attracts a little baby monkey. The monkey jumps on the bomb and it blows him up, but isn’t strong enough to injure you. :smiley:

You sit down on the ground after a job well done, only to find a squad of commandos ( i say that’s 12 :slight_smile: ) hiding on the ground. They are fully armed, but luckily you remember you still have you shaving kit in your pocket.

Command: fight back

That’s silly? What did Back do to you?

Put UCFD in Shaving Kit

You, being a direct decendant of MacGuyver, take the Shaving Kit and use parts of it to create a highly lethal ray gun that is powered by the UCFD.


  1. Duct Tape
  2. MacGuyver Ray Gun
  3. Can of Shaving Cream
  4. Bag of Assorted Electronics
    1. 12 46k Resistors
    2. 12 Unknown ICs
    3. 1 High Voltage Power Supply
    4. 1 Casing for UCFD

Kill Commandos With Ray Gun