Here is a new addon that adds Color Palette and Weight Palette to the paint modes. The usefulness of the Color Palette is obvious. Some prefer to make a color palette inside the image itself but sometimes it may be necessary to have a precise reference. Anyway, it let you the choice we didn’t had before.
For the Weight Palette, it is a set of different weight values directly accessible by a simple click. These can be changed according to the rigger’s preferences. I think this will be very useful.
you can get it from this page in the attachment section:
Sorry for the link not being the direct file url. was down when I made this thread. I only had the page url. By the way, thank you demohero having supply it and explained it better.
is it working for you or still not? It may be a bug or I will have to be more precise when explaining it.
I hope it can go to trunk too, but it needs to pass through the validation process before. Until then, if anybody has suggestions to improve it, I am very opened. Thank you for the cue about Michael W’s work. I will look at it.
I thaught to something that could improve it : having the possibility to add as many color selector as the artists would want. But I would need to be able to dynamically create properties and probably put them in something like a list. But I don’t know how to do that.
I had a newer build of Blender, but it seems I had to delete the older files as ‘Paint’ wasn’t showing up in the add-on window.
I’ve been using it today and it’s such an awesome feature, it makes painting objects a pleasure now, as I no longer have to remember colours, or sample areas of colour on the mesh.
I’ve noticed that the colour isn’t updated while using the colour wheel, this is a little distracting as it makes it hard to know exactly what colour you’re selecting, and it would be nice if there was an option to +/- the number of possible colours, and perhaps have the ability to define colour palettes, with names, and save/ load those palettes between blend files.
Looks great, and is very useful when painting. Daniel8488’s suggestions would definetly improve it however, and if you added those changes, this script would be one of the best!
Hi! I agree with your suggestions. These are very interesting observations. I’ll try to make the selected color update when modifying the color wheel. The current paradigm is that you fill the brush color with the palette color you select. But these are different color properties. The paradigm you suggest, is that the brush color property IS the selected palette color property. I have an idea on how to implement that.
The palette presets and save/load option is also a very good point. I think I’ll check that secondly.
For the +/- this is the point I am not sure how to do. Maybe it will take me more time and I wont promise anything for that. Nevertheless, if you guys think that a nine color palette is not enough for your workflow, then how many color would you suggest?
The number of weight values have passed from 9 to 11. The default values are : 0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.3333, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.6666, 0.75, 0.9, 1. These are very useful values for rigging and I think it covers well the spectrum. I don’t think that preset saving is needed for weight palette. In my opinion, it would overcomplicate the tool which seems already effective like it is. But I am always opened to feedback and may bring it if many people seems to ask for it.
The button is not embossed to show the selected one.
Adjusting the palette values is done with the weight button in the Brush pannel and is reflected according to the selected palette value. This brings a cleaner UI and a more fluid workflow. The palette may be reset to default value with the reset button.
Presets have been added to the color palette. (I don’t know why but the menu button does not show in black in 3dView tool shelf but It shows in black in the UV/Image editor and other context. I think this may be a blender bug but I’m not sure.)
The different colors may now be changed with the color wheel in the Brush pannel. This also brings a more fluid workflow and is more intuitive.
The button is not embossed and a color wheel is displayed for the selected color to help identify the current color.
In future release, I intend to make a second color palette. This would bring the possibility to have two presets loaded at once. For example one camaieu and one shade of grays. I think it could be an interesting solution for number of colors and diversity while staying elegant. This could replace the need for a +/- color solution. Let me know what you think of all that everyone.
As always, all constructive comments and feedback are very welcome.
See you!
Making a second colour palette would be cool, although I would suggest that it be optionally show, so by default it would be hidden, otherwise the ui might get a little crowded. Great to see the improvements.
Hi! Just to clarify, it is me who wrote the script. But that’s just a detail.
I tried your script on 2.4x and it seems to be very interesting but I must confess that it seems a little complex. I found how to select a color (right click) but didn’t figure how to assign the color to the brush and many features I didn’t know their real use. If you could explain it a little I would have a better understanding.
The possibility to open a Gimp palette is a big plus. I looked at the save format of these and it seems that it would be easy to implement. But your script has many other features I think would be better to implement as a different addon. Nevertheless, I seriously consider the idea of implementing the Gimp palette save format.
But there is some problems. I don’t know if it is possible to make a list of properties dynamically. This would probably be necessary. The second problem is that I don’t know if the color property has the flexibility needed. When clicking on it, it brings the color wheel adjustment. Is it possible to change that behaviour??? Another type of button may need to be written in C and I don’t code in C yet.
So I’ll have a look at that but I make no promise.
Thank you for your input.
@Axon : sorry , “QUÆ SUNT CÆSARIS, CÆSARI”, thanks for this script
As you said, my script is hard to use without doc and i’m not looking for someone who could translate it to 2.5, it’s a big work, don’t loose time with this.
I’m just looking for tips to obtain a proper and decent palettes management in Blender. The big advantage of gimp format is that i can share palettes between the apps of my “pipeline” (Gimp, inkscape, blender, Quanta, scribus), and make my work more homogeneous.
I’ll follow your progress on you script.
Ok! now that 2.57 is out and that the api is stable, I am back on work. Here is the new version :
It works but keep in mind that this is a WIP.
I am trying to implement the Gimp palette format as Raphael suggested. But now I have some questions :
How do I make the color property to execute an operator when clicking it(or pressing a button)?
I see that in the documentation “bpy.types.UILayout.prop(event=True)” would make it possible to “Use button to input key events.” But I can’t find any example of that. My problem is that I don’t know how to access the event. Does someone know how to handle a click event (or button press) on a SPECIFIC color property? Any help would be very welcome.